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This can range from absolutely no hearing in either ear (Bilateral) or hearing in only one ear (unilateral). Both white and colored Bull Terriers are susceptible to this. It seems to be more prevalent in the white dogs, but if either dog has any history of it in their background and are bred, they will most likely produce at least one or more deaf pups in their litter. Many reputable breeders will also have this problem in their litters. This said my Sunny is deaf in one ear, and he leads a totally normal life. The only time I ever notice it is outside or if I call him he doesn’t know exactly where my voice is coming from. Bilateral dogs can also live a happy normal life if they come to be owned by someone who has a lot of patience and time. The BAER (Brain Stem Auditory Evoked Response) test should be done on both parents before they are bred, as well as all the pups from their litter before they are placed in their forever homes.

Luxating Patella’s
A luxating patella occurs when the kneecap slips out of its groove. Young pups should not engage in any heavy running or jumping until they are at least over a year old. Too much strain on these joints can cause this to occur, but it is inherited. The breeder should have this test done on the dogs before they are bred.

Kidney Diseases
This is one of the most heartbreaking of ailments that affect our Bullies. There are two different types of kidney disease that occur most often in Bullies. Unfortunately both types are fatal. The first is juvenile renal failure. This is when the kidney’s cells do not develop properly and the kidney’s shut down and quit working. The results are fatal, and this can occur as early as eight months. Second is hereditary nephritis. This type occurs more slowly and can happen as late as eight years of age and as early as two. The UP/UC (urine protein/ urine creatinine) test should be performed on any bred dog. This test shows that both kidneys are in fact functioning properly.

Heart Diseases
There are two forms seen most often in Bullies with congenital heart disease. These are Sub-aortic Stenosis and Mitral Valve Dysplasia. Mitral Valve Dysplasia is basically a leaking valve between the two chambers of the heart. The result from this is a murmur. It makes it difficult for the blood in the heart to leave the left atrium. Many dogs can live normal lives with this form of heart disease, but it usually worsens with age eventually resulting in failure. The other form Sub-aortic Stenosis is when the main artery that carries the blood away from the heart narrows and results in heart failure. Again, most reputable breeders also test their dogs to make sure they have a healthy heart.

Skin Allergies
One of the most plaguing for Bully owners is skin allergies. Bullies are extremely prone to these, and some owners will have to battle them their whole lives. It is sometimes so hard to pinpoint the exact cause of an allergy. Bullies will break out in red bumps, chew their feet, and basically be an itching mess! A lot of time the allergies are food related and many Bully owners find feeding their dogs a raw (BARF) diet very helpful. But they can also have a contact dermatitis like chemicals, grass, trees, or basically anything inside their environment. Bullies with more than average allergies should not be bred. Most Bullies, especially the white ones, will have some form of allergies, but they should not be severe.

Behavioral Abnormalities
Most people would think that a Bull Terriers behavior is normally abnormal. While this is true there are also several behavioral problems that should be addressed and are seen as inherited. The most extreme of these problems being SORS (sudden onset rage syndrome). This is when a Bully becomes a vicious and unpredictable dog for moments usually after waking up. They will sometimes attack anything around them and are dangerous to themselves and their owners. In minutes this passes and the dog seems to have no recollection of what just took place. Some people seem to work this out by crating the dog and making sure he or she is fully awake before they attempt to let the dog out. Most people feel the best solution to this situation is to euthanize the dog. Bullies can also have OCD’s (obsessive compulsive disorder). One of these is often referred to as “spinners." This is when a dog starts to chase their tails. This should never be encouraged in a Bully as a puppy. They will sometimes chase their tails until they wear the pads off of their feet. Sometimes drugs can help mask this problem, but a lot of the time the Bully has to be put to sleep. Another form of OCD would be pica. This is where the dog will eat any and everything around it. They are also known as “eaters”. Most Bullies will eat anything to a certain degree, but this is when it becomes extreme. Sometimes drugs can also help this.


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