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Are Bull Terriers Easy to Raise?

Warning: Bull Terriers are not easy to raise. If you are wanting an obedient lap dog, then this is not the dog for you. If you want a Bully simply because they are soooo cute, then please read on. They are not easily trainable as they only want to please themselves. They are determined dogs and they don't ever forget anything. If they want something they are going to get it, eventually. Some can be very destructive, and Bullies will eat anything. If you take your eye off of Sunny for a second, he will eat your couch. If these dogs are not given a firm upbringing, they can be a disaster waiting to happen. A Bully must always have your full attention. They like to be involved in everything you do. There is no alone time with a Bully. Your time is his time.

If you do decide to be owned by a Bully, please make sure he gets enrolled in a group class. This is a must for socialization with humans and other dogs. It also helps with fears of loud noises, strange objects, etc. Bullies that grow up only inside the home can become dog aggressive and become very fearful of the outside world. You must be willing to spend almost all of your time with your new Bully. I will again state that they cannot be left unsupervised. I have often thought of what would happen if Sunny ever got out of his crate and we were not home. He would surely not last the hour before he killed himself eating something dangerous! That is with most of the house being puppy proofed. Bull Terriers have been known eat through walls before and end up outside the home.

Saying all of the above I wanted to make sure I pointed something out. I love the fact that I share my life with Sunny. Bringing him into my life was one of the most exciting things I have ever done. I just want anyone looking to be loved by one of these dogs to know just how hard raising one is. If you decide to be owned by a Bully just remember that this is what it will be like. You will not have any time to yourself until that Bully is over a couple years old. You will learn new lessons in patience and you will have nights when you cry yourself to sleep because of his stubborness. But, you will also have a new best friend who wants to spend every waking second with you. Once you are owned by a Bully you will never want another dog. You will become obsessed with them just like all of us! Bull Terriers are awesome dogs but they are not for everyone. If you want one my best advice is to first spend some time with one. Read the books, talk to breeders, and then make your decision.

Having trouble raising your Bully? Read the Alpha Rules!


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